Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Spider Season

This spider's sense is telling her that lean times are coming, despite a strangely summerlike September here on the coast. My yard is festooned with the evidence of her industry, in fact, after a half hour of sitting in the back yard, I discovered that strands of spider silk were attached to my toes.

I think it's safe to say that my respect and admiration for the eight-legged artisan is a one way street! So if you come calling and I don't answer the door, come out back and rescue me. I'll be the large silk wrapped mummy hanging from Miss Spider's web...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Freedom Road

For me and for my university bound son, the road to freedom is a two lane highway north.

On the first of September there is already a nip in the air that sweeps away the stupor of summer. He is ready for this and I am more ready than I expected to be to let him go. My mantra for motherhood, that the ultimate goal in parenting is an independent child, has somehow done the trick. The anticpated rush of tears and despair never happens. I am truly thrilled for him, deeply proud of his achievements and successes and convinced that he has made wise choices for this next phase of his young life.

For both of us, a new phase of independence lies ahead like an open, sunlit field.